Bruce Bigham
The Bighams came to Ashland in November of 1962 in order for Mr. Bigham to serve as general manager of Ashland Rubber Products. He remained with Ashland Rubber Products for approximately 20 years. Mr. Bigham served in the Ashland City Planning Committee for a number of years and as clerk of the session of the First Presbyterian Church. In total, his years of service in the church were 18. Further, he worked with Habitat for Humanity constructing houses for worthy families.
His appreciation for learning and the availability of learning resources was demonstrated by his support of the Friends of the Ashland University Library and the Ashland Public Library. For many years, Mr. Bigham was a member of the Dr. Frank Laubach teaching group. The Laubach message was “Every one teach one to read.” This group carried the Laubach philosophy to area people to improve and develop their reading skills.
Mr. Bigham’s joy of living in Ashland is expressed by his quotation, “When you come from Detroit, you especially appreciate the Ashland Community.” This appreciation is demonstrated by his charitable gift annuity held by ACCF. The residual of the annuity will support the Ashland Theological Seminary and the Ashland County Community Foundation. The Foundation will enrich a lasting future in Ashland County.
Bruce and Margo Bigham have two children. Both children graduated from Ashland College.
Prepared 2005