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Joseph and Suzanne Carruthers

When Joe and Suzanne needed to make the decision as to where they wanted to establish their Charitable Remainder Trust, they “knew instinctively that the Ashland County Community Foundation was the perfect vehicle.” Suzanne reports that she and her husband saw the opportunity to support both the Foundation and its vision for the future. Further, she stated, “None of us knows what lies ahead for this community, what needs will require attention as time passes. We cannot look into our crystal ball and recognize what charitable groups will be extant in 2050 and beyond, but we can allow the wise and caring leaders on the Community Foundation’s Board to make charitable decisions in those years beyond our lives.”
Neither Joe nor Suzanne were born or educated in Ashland, but it has been their home for over twenty years – a community they have become very fond of. While they could have selected any number of national charities as the beneficiary of their trust, they wanted the money to stay here in this community where their legacy had a better chance of doing some real good.

“The Ashland County Community Foundation will be more depended upon in the future to fill funding shortfalls for local charities. The beauty of a gift to ACCF–any gift–is that it isn’t spent in one fiscal year. Rather, the interest from the gift continues as long as the principal is invested. Forever.” Suzanne continues, “This isn’t meant to sound like a commercial, but we still are enthralled with the notion that a gift to ACCF is a forever thing. There is absolutely no downside to a charitable remainder trust placed with ACCF; the Foundation wins, the community wins, and the donor wins.”

Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers feel truly blessed to be able to make a lasting gift to their adopted home. They report, “Had it not been for the people of this community welcoming our business so many years ago, we would not be in a position to return the kindness. We are so very grateful to Ashland and it seemed only right that we find a way to say so.”

Prepared 2005