Mary Case
As a young girl, Mary dreamed of becoming a nurse. However, this was the depression years, so in order to prepare for a job she took commercial subjects. Later, she volunteered as secretary for the principal and superintendent of the high school.
After graduating from Mansfield High School in 1933, she worked at Maxwell Department Store, and as medical secretary for Mansfield General Hospital and for two physicians.
Leaving her friends in Mansfield and moving to Ashland’s Brethren Care Village was difficult, but Mary viewed it as a new beginning—always thriving on the possibilities that life offered.
To receive income during her lifetime as well as leave a gift to future generations, Mary chose to create a charitable gift annuity through the Ashland County Community Foundation. At Mary’s designation, her residual annuity dollars combined with a life insurance policy, upon her death in February 2005, created a scholarship fund for Ashland University students and an individual fund to benefit local charitable organizations. Ms. Case’s foresight and love of the Ashland County community is greatly appreciated.
Prepared 2005