Bill and Polly Chandler
Born and raised in Ashland, Bill and Polly were married on May 28, 1977. They have two children. Bill founded Chandler Electric and WaterSoft. He also founded Chandler Systems, Inc. and Chandler Leasing of which he is currently president and owner. Polly graduated from the Real Estate Institute of The Ohio State University and has been a licensed realtor for 30 years. She is vice-president and third generation co-owner of Coldwell Banker/Ward Real Estate.
Bill was the president of the Ashland County Airport Authority for over 20 years and is currently a Sutton Bank Director and Ashland Cemetery Association board member. He holds 7 U.S. patents and is ATP rated a multi engine instrument pilot. Polly has served as a board member for the YMCA, Ashland Chamber, Leadership Ashland, Board of Realtors, Hospice, Good Shepherd and Ashland Auto Club. The Chandlers are members of Trinity Lutheran Church and enjoy traveling and boating.
Bill and Polly take joy in calling Ashland “home.” Polly states, “We have chosen to give back to the Community that has been so good to us by making a legacy gift through the Ashland County Community Foundation.” Their IRA dollars are designated for the Ford Leadership/Operations Endowment Fund—truly a gift that will support the Ashland Community…for generations to come.
Prepared 2007