K. Ann Ritter
K. Ann Ritter was born in Mansfield on May 9, 1918 to Pete and Elizabeth (Fromm) Ritter and passed away on March 16, 2004 in Ashland. She had lived most of her life in Ashland County. Ann had been the Employment Manager for the DefenseElectronic ServiceCenter in Dayton for more than 20 years. She was a member of St. Edward’s Church, and volunteered many years at SamaritanHospital and for the American Red Cross.
Ann was described as a “very generous and special woman who enjoyed life, dearly loved children and valued education.” Only a couple siblings of Miss Ritter’s large family had children, but Ann developed a fondness of children. She made numerous contributions to the hospital, her church, neighbors and charitable organizations.
Even after her passing, Ann’s generosity and concern for children will continue to benefit Ashland County for generations to come. We are grateful for her decision to use ACCF as a base to further her giving for years to come.
Prepared 2005