Noel & Ann Shaffer
Noel and Ann were married in Jeromesville on June 4, 1935. He was a Science teacher at Jeromesville. Ann was a college student at Wooster College. Noel continued teaching for a total of forty-four years at Jeromesville, Loudonville and AshlandUniversity. Ann worked for Flxible Company for twenty-six years before retiring. Both have been very active in the LutheranChurch, in service clubs and community clubs. Both are interested in antique collecting and gardening. Ann has judged many flower shows at the State and County Fairs.
Thirteen years ago they started planning for the future by establishing three trusts: A Family Trust, a Skip Generation Trust for their grandchildren and a Charitable Remainder Trust for groups which they wish to assist. The group of ten beneficiaries included Ashland Public Schools Education Foundation, which ultimately was given to the Ashland County Community Foundation. All of these are unrestricted for use as they desire.
It is Noel and Ann’s belief that charity begins at home and that by giving to local organizations the benefits will continue long after they are gone. “We hope others will consider it also.”
Prepared 2005